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Les Ailes du Phoenix

Forum de l'alliance Les Ailes du Phoenix du speedserveur d'Ikariam
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 I think this is what you need

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I think this is what you need Empty
MessageSujet: I think this is what you need   I think this is what you need Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 13:54

Hello. If you have roxio, why not use it. It's been a while......Have shrink produce an ISO image file and save it to your hard drive. Right click on the .iso file and choose open or burn to disk (can't remember which one when using roxio), this should automatically run roxio's burning application, choose/click Disk at Once, the destination/burn speed/finalize the disk and wait for the process to complete. 23 Feb 2008 @ 13:03Use Anydvd and believe HD Decrypter (free)... Worry Be Happy:)
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